[Program of mediation attached to the Totality and Infinity curatorial cycle. Economies of the transference in another(s) time(s) for art]

Matter of faith / Matter of piece


Meeting-chat with Martin Llavaneras.
Firstactivity carried out in the Renaissance cloister of the Centro del Carmen in the to reflect on "doing" and "going doing" in sculpture as a
critical process. A meeting to talk about the collection of material plant and the need to filter and break down representational contents.

08.11.2018Double object
Lecture by David Bestué. Narration raised in the
Chapter House of the Center of Carmen where Bestué was able to place various constructive languages in this architectural space. A tour of the history of architecture and engineering and the relationship established between sculpture and objects.


The story of blue leg Intervention of Felipe Talo. At the end of the exhibition Talo, incarnated as Lotti Fernand, proposed a psychic activation of space with which to change the perception of the sample turning it into a hypothetical room. A reading that provided a new performativity of the bodies through a guided tour.

Fragments that represent the world


Open Call. Virtual Choreographies. Rosana Antolí.
This activity turned the exhibition into a study of
recording. The participants were invited to repeat to the camera a gesture that become part of their day to day. These gesture clips were incorporated into the exposure as part of its transformation.

07.03.2019 Proyection Perrolobo (Lycisca). Gerard Ortin
The artist's debut feature allowed us modify the structure of the space for its viewing in the room. In it is shows a fragmented tour that brings us closer to an exercise in landscaping where the lights and shadows of a reality in the process of change stand out. A means with which to show that talking about domestication is as inopportune as talk about natural state.


Your celebration. Action Rodríguez-Méndez
The artist proposed an action divided into two
phases that would play with the exhibition times. It also expanded to other spaces such as the Sala Ferreres, which earned him a recording at a time of closing to the public, while for the exhibition space it had the participation of the public. Generating with it the material for the projection of his last intervention.


Birds-Texts-Waves. Performance Julia Mariscal
This intervention involved an assemblage of sculptural objects and their union with decontextualized body elements. The artist used touch and voice as channels to delve into the symbology of the materials and thus, in a leisurely and rhythmic way, he gave us a range of new dialectical possibilities.

Something happened

ApiADS meeting with Enrique Simó open dialogue around to the work of Nicolás Lamas, who had the collaboration of the biologist and veterinarian Enrique Simó. During the meeting, he brought us closer to the ways of working and ways of doing things in the beekeeping world and we established links with the processes artistic.

Life -The trailer. Gabriel Lecup
This session invited us to participate as an audience in a tarot reading session in which the artist consulted a tarot reader about his future. A reading where the letters helped to reflect on the artistic position, the future and chance.


Proyección Nehemías + Jagata de Daniel Jacoby
Los trabajos de Jacoby se componen de narraciones fragmentadas que circulan a través de realidades distópicas. Durante esta sesión se proyectaron dos de sus cortometrajes y posteriormente realizamos un debate en torno a los conceptos que se planteaban en la exposición.Projection Nehemiah +
Jagata by Daniel Jacoby
Jacoby's works are made up of fragmented narratives that circulate through realities
dystopian During this session, two of his short films and later we carried out a debate around the concepts that were raised at the exhibition.


If that's what we'll seeMeeting-presentation of the catalog of the exhibition cycle.
CCCC Chapter Hall

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